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The Distinctions Between Granular and Powdered Activated Carbon

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The Distinctions Between Granular and Powdered Activated Carbon

Specific forms of activated carbon are designed to meet a variety of purification requirements. Some of the most prevalent varieties include granular activated carbon, powdered activated carbon, and pelletized activated carbon. Granular activated carbon and powdered activated carbon are the most effective water purifiers. The kind you select is mostly determined by your purification requirements. Today we will contrast granular and powdered activated carbon.

Activated Carbon Granules

GAC is an abbreviation for granular activated carbon. It is formed of organic components that have been heated without the presence of air. This material is then crushed into smaller particles in a subsequent operation. The microscopic particles are solid, which is why it is referred to as granular. This process often involves the utilization of many organic components. Coal-granular activated carbon and coconut shell-granular activated carbon are two common forms.

Granular activated carbon's very absorbent properties make it ideal for cleansing heavily polluted liquids. This sort of active carbon is best suited for use in large treatment plants. It is also appropriate for mercury removal and various solvent recovery processes.

Activated Carbon Powder

It is another sort of activated carbon that is made up of tiny particles and is commonly referred to as PAC. It, like GAC, is made from organic materials with a high carbon content. Wood and anthracite are two examples of natural materials.

Powdered activated carbon is widely utilized in water treatment plants to remove a variety of pollutants. It may also be used to control the odor and flavor of water. Powdered active carbon's adsorption properties aid in the removal of pollutants from water, air, and other gases.


Granular activated carbon and powdered activated carbon differ in various ways. They are as follows: Grain Size

There is a noticeable difference between the two kinds of carbon. Granular active charcoal has larger particles than powdered active charcoal. GAC has a range of 0.2 to 5mm, whereas PAC has a range of 0.188mm or less.

Granular activated carbon is a solid, whereas PAC is a powder, as the name implies. This makes it clear which one has a greater grain size than the other. There is a noticeable difference between the two. Granular active carbon has a smaller surface area than powdered active carbon.


The distinction between the two types of active carbons is seen in their uses. Granular activated carbon is mostly used for water filtration. It is not the same as powdered active carbon, which is used for food decolorization.

Powdered activated carbon has a higher surface area, making it ideal for the adsorption of contaminants with larger molecular sizes. Food color with a large molecular size. Powdered activated carbon is great for removing them. It differs in its granular form, which is appropriate for water filtration. This is due to the fact that it does not break under high pressure or a high flow of water.

Materials Employed

Another distinction between the two forms of active carbon is the materials utilized to create them. Both are made of various organic components. Powdered active carbon is mostly generated from wood, whereas granular active carbon is created from coconut shell or coal. These materials are critical to their application and efficacy levels.


There is also a significant variation in the regeneration and disposal procedures of granular activated charcoal and powdered activated carbon. Granular active carbon may be reused numerous times before being regenerated.

It is not the case with powdered active carbon. It's difficult to regenerate. If this is a possibility, it may prove to be a difficult surgery. You will also have to pay a lot of money for disposal.

Selecting the Best Activated Carbon

Granular and powdered activated carbon both have advantages and disadvantages. Because of its low cost, powdered active carbon is frequently utilized. You may also alter the PAC dose to fit varying levels of contamination.

What you must understand is that when used more frequently, powdered activated carbon has greater operational expenses. Other disadvantages include the generation of massive volumes of sludge, the inability to replenish it, and the ease with which it passes through filters. Most clients will complain if PAC is able to swiftly push its way through filters. The dust produced by the small particles of powdered activated carbon makes handling difficult. In addition, the particles are very combustible.

Granular activated carbon is a low-cost solution for large treatment facilities that require continual control of taste and odor.

The disadvantage of granular active carbon is the increased expense of the contactor and filter. Bacteria growth on a GAC filter is likewise considerably more likely. Granular activated charcoal stands out as an excellent choice for long-term use. To choose the proper form of active carbon, you must consider the outcomes of these processes.

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