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Learn about activated carbon ABC knowledge

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Learn about activated carbon ABC knowledge

Learn about activated carbon ABC knowledge

Our customers use activated carbon globally in hundreds of ways for water purification, air purification, metal recovery, and so many other applications. Still, very little is known about this amazing product. At Carbon Activated Corporation, we have decades of experience in a wide range of fascinating applications of our products. Practice your ABCs and review some key terms below.

A- Anthracite

A-Anthracite coal, due to its hardness, is ideal to produce pelletized activated carbon.

B- Bituminous

Bituminous coal, commonly used in air and water purification, is manufactured by using direct activation or is reagglomerated in the manufacturing process.

C- Coconut Shell 

Derived naturally from a nut shell, the purity and the hardness of this carbon make it ideal to be used for very special applications, water, air and metal recovery.

D- Density

Density is one of the most important factors to decide how much carbon is needed in a filter vessel. Density depends on the base material and activity level.

E- Equilibrium

Filter beds can be back-washed to achieve equilibrium, prevent channeling and to clean the bed.

F- Filters

Industrial, commercial, and municipal applications use activated carbon filled filters ranging from 55 gallon to 100,000 lb systems.

G- Granular

Granular, as opposed to pelletized or powder, is the most common form of activated carbon we sell. Common mesh sizes range from 4×8 to 20×50 mesh.

H- Hardness

Hardness is an important specification as it plays a big role to prevent breakage.

I- Iodine Number

Iodine Number is an important measurement of the porosity of activated carbon, meaning how well it adsorbs target contaminants. Our laboratory technicians also perform Carbon tetrachloride (CTC) and butane number tests.

J- Juice

Did you know that  beverage companies use it to de-colorize fruit juice and wine?


KOH is the chemical formula for potassium hydroxide. Carbon Activated Corporation offers KOH impregnated activated carbons for use in the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

L- Landfills

Landfills around the world use activated carbon to adsorb odorous and potentially harmful gases.

M- Mesh

Carbon granules grade by the mesh size. Liquid phase applications call for smaller granules and powder. Air purification requires large granules and/or pelletized media.

N- Natural gas

Energy companies use activated carbon in both the refining and storage of natural gas.

O- Oxygen

Activated carbon removes oxygen for special applications.

P- Pelletized

Our customers use pelletized activated carbon in certain vapor phase applications due to lower pressure drop and increased flow.

Q- Quality Control

Our team uses quality control procedures to manufacture and test activated carbon materials. This is an important factor; especially for adsorption of impurities. Well controlled and finely graded activated carbon products adsorb more impurities and last longer by reducing the change out frequency.

R- Regeneration

Industrial kilns heat spent or used activated carbon to elevated temperatures to regain the adsorption capacity in the regeneration process.

S- Service

Service is the process of removing saturated spent carbon from filter vessels and adding virgin carbon back to the vessel. We service the entire United States for turnkey vacuum and pneumatic slurry change outs.

T- Temperature

A steam atmosphere in the temperature range of 800–1000 °C activates raw charcoal.

U- Uniformity Coefficient

Our highly trained laboratory staff perform the special Uniformity Coefficient test. The results of this test gives information on the quality of the grading of the sample

V- Volatile Organic Compounds

Activated carbon can well adsorb volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which often are hazardous to humans.

W- Water Purification

Water purification systems use activated carbon in homes, water treatment plants, beverage manufacturers, and wastewater treatment plants.

X- Xylene

Activated carbon can remove xylene which is a harmful impurity.

Y- Yield

Production yield is a important measure, above all, in activation, but also in measuring loss during reactivation.

Z- Zeolite

Zeolite is an additional natural porous media that compliments activated carbon in filtration systems.

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